Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The Job Offer

I had gone in that day, looking for a cat that might need help, specifically a blind kitten. Why I chose to go today could only be explained by spontaneity.

I had dragged Tristan along, I often drag him along when I want to do something spontaneous and crazy and he doesnt seem to mind tagging along the ride. I didn't see any kittens needing help but when we checked the dog section, we noticed a very ill looking dog and being on the board of directors of a rescue, I felt inclined to help.

After getting quite a bit of information on him and being determined to acquire him, I had to go as far as speaking to the Direction of the place. MC is quite an awesome woman, she is so dedicated and after a long chat with her, the dog would be mine.

She noticed that I was quite knowledgeable in the field and she asked if I was looking for a job. Even though I had just started one elsewhere, I knew i couldn't pass it up. I got her e-mail address and as soon as I got home, I sent her my CV.

Safe to say I'm anxious to know if I'll get an interview!

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