Monday, November 2, 2009

Put it away before I throw it away!!

Shift was 3:00pm to 11:00pm

What a shift!

I came into work today to discover that I was working under Johanne and JC and I was working with two girls. I was excited, I love working with new team mates and getting to know how the staff works differently so I can better myself at tasks that could be done more effectively.

I worked with Kim, who speaks English and Emily L, who speaks French and watching the two interact with one another was quite amusing. The language barrier was evident enough since they both parted ways leaving me behind. Oops? They didn't have a plan nor seemed to care what one another was doing and the tasks were done twice over so a lot of time was being wasted away. I was working on both floors helping them both as much as I can but more often then not, they were MIA.

As much as I hate to admit it, I disliked working with them and when I started settling on the fact i'll have to pull most of the weight on my shoulders, Kim walked past me talking on her cellphone. At first I though it was just coincidental....until she spent the whole night either texting or chatting on it. I was ready to grab the thing and toss it out the window.

As dogs were being visited in the adoption room, I noticed that we had a lot of empty cages that could be potential adopted pets so Kim and I were allowed to bring dogs upstairs from the PA room. I think we easily brought 12 dogs upstairs and quite a few people were interested in the new arrivals! Two dogs were mis-numbered, collie-x named Kelly and a Shepard mix with no name. Thank goodness they have different genders because they were hard to tell apart!

While I was cleaning transporters. I saw a mouse! EEK! I noticed he was rather slow and managed to catch it with a bowl. JC and I brought it outside and across the street and let it loose. Hopefully he wont find his way back inside!!

Emily's shift ended at 9pm and i never saw someone dash out the door that quickly, if it would of been a revolving door, I'm sure it would of kept spinning for a few minutes.

Johanne told us that we had to prepare 50 cages in the stray cat section. We looked baffled since the rooms were already crowded. I asked Catherine, the receptionist for the story of why we needed so many cages so quickly and here it is!

A couple are being evicted from their apartment and they have around 50 cats, MC had contacted them a week ago to start bringing the cats in 10 at a time over the weeks to come so we wouldn't get bombarded but they never contacted her back. Robyn, our evening patroller, went there anyway to collect some of the cats but when he returned empty handed, he told us they had barricaded themselves in. I guess this story is to be continued!

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